Boulder Microfinance Training Programme

Boulder Microfinance Training Programme

12/07/2022 - 27/09/2022
Location: Online
Organiser: Boulder Institue of Microfinance
Event type: Training

Organised over 12 weeks, the programme consists of 10 modules and includes live session plenaries withe renowed guests, readings, assignements, group sessions,… These self-guided activities take place on a E-Campus, based on Moodle platform.

Programme participants will meet online for 2-hour Live Session every Tuesday from 2PM to 4PM GMT and are expected to complete 3-5 additional hours of self-guided work. Senior faculty will be available on Chat and live most weekdays for one hour at a pre-set time.

Inaugural discounted tuition is US $2400.

Registration is open until the official registration deadline on July 11th. The Welcoming Session will be on July 12th, and the official Graduation Ceremony will be on September 27th

This Programme is equivalent to a traditional Boulder MFT Certificate.

For members only, the programme is elligible for an scholarship!

(Source: Boulder Microfinance Institution)