CEET Inclusive Insurance Training Programme: focus on climate change and technology

CEET Inclusive Insurance Training Programme: focus on climate change and technology

05/07/2021 - 13/07/2021
Location: Online
Organiser: Access to Insurance Initiative
Event type: Training

Are you an insurance supervisor from Central Europe, Eastern Europe or Transcaucasia? Would you like to gain a better understanding of how themes such as climate change and technology are impacting the insurance sector?  

Apply by 11 June 2021 for the Inclusive Insurance Training Programme from the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the Toronto Centre, offered free of charge to supervisors.  

Click here for the application

The Programme is a combination of self-paced learning modules and live virtual sessions taking place in English from 5 to 13 July 2021.    

Background:  In partnership with the IAIS and the Toronto Centre, the A2ii has developed a curriculum on insurance regulation for supervisors based on the IAIS application paper ‘Regulation and Supervision Supporting Inclusive Insurance Markets.’ The Inclusive Insurance Training Programme allows participants to build on their existing supervisory skills, enhance their knowledge and develop the leadership skills needed to make positive change.  The training blends theory and practice and uses a combination of presentations, highly interactive case studies and group exercises to strengthen insurance supervisors’ capacities to support inclusive insurance market development.    

Objectives: Upon completion of the two-week Programme participants will be better equipped to understand: 

  • The importance of promoting financial inclusion 
  • How to apply robust supervisory principles and effective monitoring tools to foster the development of an insurance market 
  • How to promote financial inclusion by encouraging supervisors to adopt proportionality to advance financial innovation, while maintaining stability, market integrity and conduct 
  • The impact of current economic circumstances and emerging risks and their effects on insurers, economies, and consumers 
  • How these risks impact developing economies, insurance markets and the role supervisors can play to mitigate these risks 
  • The effects of climate-related risks on insurers, economies, and consumers and how supervisors can respond by enhancing their supervisory risk assessments and response capabilities 
  • The importance of innovation and new technologies in the development of new insurance products and alternative distribution channels 
  • How supervisors can enable the inclusion of typically marginalized segments of the population 

Throughout the training and with the guidance from Programme Leaders, participants will put into practice the Toronto Centre’s Action Planning Methodology for dealing with the challenges faced at the workplace as well as stakeholder management and communication concepts. During the training participants will also develop their own action plans relating to country-specific issues. Following the Programme, Toronto Centre and A2ii will follow up with countries to provide additional guidance and support for their action plan implementation efforts.  

This training is aimed at middle-to-senior level supervisors involved in the regulation and supervision of inclusive insurance in Central and Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia.  

Click here for the application. Should you have any questions or queries concerning this training, please contact secretariat@a2ii.org. 

(Source: Access to Insurance Initiative)