Circular by design Challenge: submit your circular project by January 20th!

Circular by design Challenge: submit your circular project by January 20th!

The Circular by Design Challenge offers Luxembourg and European companies and entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop their innovative, sustainable solutions through a 12-week coaching programme. Participants will be connected with an excellent network of partners looking to find sustainable solutions to thematic challenges. The winner of each thematic challenge will also receive an award of €8,000.

Propose your sustainable solutions to 4 thematic challenges:

  1. Sustainable business events
  2. Multifunctional urban furniture 
  3. LuXembourg Collection 
  4. Development cooperation and humanitarian aid 

For the thematic call 4, note that LuxAid is calling organisations to submit their circular project ideas in an aim of implementing innovative and sustainable solutions responding to development cooperation and humanitarian aid issues, and thereby contributing toward achieving the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Some examples of issues LuxAid is seeking solutions include:

  • Incentivise sustainable waste management (collection, recycling, local valorisation), in particular plastics and
  • medical waste;
  • Incentivise sustainable management of resources like water and energy including desalination solutions;
  • Promotion of sustainable agriculture;
  • Help local players carry out a sustainable valorisation of forest spaces, for both wood and non-wood forest
  • products (notably fruits etc.), including carbon credits;
  • Sustainable housing/construction (including temporary housing);
  • Sustainable management of hospitals (including waste minimisation and sterilisation of utilities);
  • Sustainable solutions for connectivity and digitisation;
  • Sustainable logistics.

More information on the Circular by design Challenge here and on the specific thematic call 4 here.

(Source: Luxinnovation)