Global Microscope 2016: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion

Global Microscope 2016: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion

The Economist Intelligence Unit has published its Global Microscope 2016: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion. It is suppported by the Multilateral Investment Fund, the Center for Financial Inclusion and the Met Life Foundation.

The Global Microscope 2016 aims to assess the regulatory environment for Financial inclusion across 12 indicators (Governement support for financial inclusion; regulatory and supervisory capacity for financial inclusion; prudential regulation; regulation and supervision of credit portfolios; regulation and supervision of deposit-taking activities; regulation of insurance targeting low-income populations; regulation and supervision of branches and agents; requirements for non-regulated lenders; electronic payments; credit-reporting systems) and 55 countries.

Originally, the Microscope focused on countries in the Latin American and Caribbeans régions in 2007. The study became global in 2009 and now includes as well the assessment of a range of developing economies in East and South Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Midle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

To read the Global Microscope 2016 click here