The Luxembourg government regularly updates its dedicated Website to the fight against the pandemic. The national safety instructions and recommandations by domain are widely explained on the site, as is the recovery plan Neistart Lëtzebuerg.
Arendt has created a special page with the most frequently asked questions in the context of the current epidemic, categorised by theme such as Resuming business activities as lockdown ends,
Managing employees, cross-border workers and human resources, or Assessing and mitigating the impact on corporate governance and day-to-day management. The page is updated as events unfold.
The 12 May 2020 law introduces a set of temporary measures in relation to accounting and filing requirements in Luxembourg. Find out the Arendt visual summary to see the different application cases.
Ce webinaire propose de répondre à vos questions sur les nouvelles mesures de sécurité et santé, les congés, les aides financières aux entreprises, le chômage partiel,…
PWC, member, has compiled a very useful snapshot of Luxembourg measures relating to COVID-19. L’article est en français par ici.
Les autorités luxembourgeoises ont mis en place des mesures qui concernent l’organisation des réunions du conseil d’administration et des actionnaires ainsi que le dépôt des comptes annuels pour l’exercice 2019. En savoir plus
InFiNe is the Luxembourg platform that brings together public, private and civil society actors involved in inclusive finance. The value of InFiNe lies in the wide range of expertise characterised by the diversity of its members.
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