Rio Impact

Member description

The consulting firm Rio Impact has been operating since 2019 in the fields of finance for climate action, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.

Particularly active in the countries of the South, Rio Impact has led more than forty projects in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Our clients include (among others) UN organizations (FAO, UNCCD, UNFF, UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD), development banks such as the World Bank and KfW, bilateral cooperation agencies (GIZ, LuxDev), and international NGOs (WWF, BirdLife International).

In particular Rio Impact provides advice on:

• Financing solutions and fundraising for Biodiversity conservation, Landscape restoration and Climate action.

• Synergies between Rio conventions at country level, through policy advice, planning processes, project design and financing.

• The development of integrated land use initiatives and projects following a landscape approach.

• A north-south co-development pathway towards an inclusive green economy

Rio Impact has developed in-depth expertise in the design of domestic financing mechanisms such as Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), Conservation Trust Funds, National Climate Funds and National Forest Funds. In this context, issues related to benefit-sharing and the inclusion of local populations and communities are essential for sustainable and successful mechanisms. For example, PES schemes are often used to support the ecological transition while strengthening the economic and social resilience of vulnerable populations.

In addition, through the organization of more than 30 training sessions on topics related to climate and biodiversity finance, Rio Impact has developed a strong expertise in capacity-building and has recently created a branch dedicated to training, Rio Campus, registered as a training organization in Luxembourg.

Member details

Organisation type(s):

Consulting Firm



67 rue de Leudelange, L-8079 Bertrange


Rio Impact