The resources from members to help manage the crisis

The resources from members to help manage the crisis

Resources from members:

COVID-19 and Impact on Alternative Funds – Webinar

The discussion will focus on the legal and regulatory challenges that the alternative investment funds industry is currently facing as well as the potential opportunities for asset managers and investors.


Voices from the ground: a series of video conferences

LMDF presents a series of interviews on the impact of COVID-19 in the countries where they operate. Q & A session allows you to get more information and/or answer your question at the end of each interview.

Check agenda to find when the interview are held and/or watch the series of past interviews here.


e-MFP’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic & lessons from the European Microfinance Award on crisis contexts

e-MFP, co-organiser with of the European Microfinance Award, reminds us the lessons learnt from the 2015 European Microfinance Award on crisis contexts with the publication of the 9th European Dialogue “Resilience and Responsability”, presenting the initiatives and best practices of the winner and semi-finalists. The platform’s blog presents its role during the COVID-19. is the new blog and discussion forum specifically focused on the financial inclusion sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, made by the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF), the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) and the Center for Financial Inclusion. Read more


Join the SIWG and share resources on COVID-19 crisis

The SPTF Social Investor Working Group (SIWG) is open to all investors seeking financial and social returns.
In respond to COVID-19, the SIWG is meeting biweekly on Wednesdays for investors to share resources and coordinate efforts regarding the COVID crisis.
To get more information and join the next call, click here


Guidance Note and Toolkit on Business Continuity for MFIs

To help the MFIs to manage the COVID-19 crisis, a guidance note and a series of tools have been published and developped. Download the Guidance Note and Toolkit

Another tool developped by microfact, an initiative of ADA and brs, is the Microvision tool. It allows you to get a quick and practical responses to the COVID-19 crisis by preparing stress-testing and scenarios. Learn more


Uninsured and vulnerable: how the coronavirus pandemic is hitting the world’s poor

This Microinsurance network article shows how COVID-19  emphasises the social inequalities between us and especially on the world’s most low income and vulnerable populations.

Locked down? Business interruption insurance, low-income MSMEs and COVID-19 is an Expert Forum webinar organised by the Microinsurance Network to explore how microinsurance can play a role in business continuity in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the highlights of the discussion and/or watch the full webinar here.


COVID-19  Microfinance & Coronavirus

Facing the pandemic, the Grameen Crédit Agricole Fondation has started a COVID-19 Observatory where you can find the results of their surveys and analysis: Foundation GCA has, for example, initiated a survey on the impact of the pandemic crisis on its partners. And the survey continues, with regular follow-ups by the Foundation’s partners in the field.

The observatory is available en français and in English.


The EIB’s latest news and initiatives related to the COVID-19

Learn about the EIB’s Group respond to the COVID-19 initiatives by regularly visiting this page or subscribe to the alert to stay informed of their latest news regarding the coronas virus.